A Suggested Curriculum Based on Our Recorded Classes

Alhamdulillah over the course of our time here at The Majlis we have offered a number of classes for free to the community. Sometimes when content is so freely available and accessible it is hard to figure out what order to go through it in.

What follows are some of the courses on our YouTube page and a suggested hierarchy for them.

  1. Reasonable Faith: The Creed of Oneness by Ust. Fouad

    • This should be the starting point as it is the foundation for everything else.

  2. Knowledge in Islam by Jamaal

    • This is next because it gives the student a broad overview of the world of studying and how to approach it.

    • The PDF can be found here.

  3. Studies in the Life of the Beloved by Ust. Fouad

    • This will cover the life of the blessed Prophet which is the practical standard by which we judge so many things.

  4. Introduction to Islamic Law and Ethics by Jamaal

    • Provides a framework and brief introduction to the topic.

  5. Maliki Fiqh by Ust. Fouad

    • It is essential to go through a primer according to one of the schools of law to learn how to do our acts of worship properly. This is that for the Maliki school.

  6. The Deliverer from Error by Ust. Fouad

    • al-Ghazali’s classic text on his faith journey. It takes the study of theology a step deeper after the intro class at the beginning of the list.

Other classes that should be listened to anytime as general enrichment:

  1. Journey through the Quran by Sha. Muslema

  2. Readings from Contemporary Muslim Scholars by Jamaal

With all of these classes it is good to take notes and review. It is also good to write down any questions or conversation points you come across as you listen and then sign up for office hours through our website in order to discuss with the instructors.

Allah give tawfiq.